Plenty to do, too hot to do it

It is just too warm to do anything today. Was dozy at work from the heat, then when I came home could barely bring ourselves to do owt. Am determined we should be motivated and get out for a wander or two this week.

Later today I have a course in Java, which I am hoping will be a good first step in it all. Another of the skills I need to start getting under my belt.

I have fallen away from my todo list somewhat, and I think I need to get back into doing that. Will force myself to get up to date on it again tomorrow at some point.

Getting on for halfway into JPod. The thing I most relate to in it at the moment is the main character’s clothing crisis. I need to think about mine, I am long overdue a Summer update. A little short of t-shirts at the moment, and we really can’t have that.








3 responses to “Plenty to do, too hot to do it”

  1. The Prumeister Avatar

    I had sweat emanating from my arse crack last night. But possibly the world is a nicer place for not knowing that.

    I hate this weather. I don’t mind warm, springlike weather but this stifling intense heat is plain awful. Oxford is full of skinny tanned 20 somethings looking skinny and tanned – arrrrrgggh and even having a nice hot bubble bath (one of my addictions) is ruined by the sweltering heat one emits after the event, meaning I need a cold shower afterwards – totally ruining the point.

    Give me a nice cold winter, a glass of hearty red wine, some candlelight and a nice M&S scarf immediately please…………

  2. flotsky Avatar

    Thank you for your wishes that the weather change. If you would care to look outside right this second, you will see it is pouring with rain. I have no coat with me, and I am going to get soaked I suspect 🙁

  3. The Prumeister Avatar

    Well I’m wearing flip-flops but wet feet is a small price to pay for less sweat 😉