Podcasts – Year Two

Well I was thinking on the bus into work today, I’ve been listening to podcasts on my iPod for nearly a year now, and was wondering what I have stuck with. I’ve tried a lot of different ones, but there are only a few that I have really been taken with.

Formula Pod

A Formula One podcast made by two rapid F1 fans from the states. These guys really know their stuff, but present it in a really amusing and laid-back fashion.

Adam Curry

The podfather. It isn’t to everyone’s tastes, but it is a nice cross between proper radio show and audio blog, and keeps you up to date on the podcast community and tech stuff as a whole. And he is a good presenter.

Off the Hook/Off the Wall

Very odd and highly idiosyncratic pair of podcasts from a team of New York geeks. They are both shows that originate on Public Broadcast Radio, and have quite a loose feel to them. The former is essentially from a team of old school phone hackers, that have moved onto bigger and greater things. The latter is almost an audio blog for Emmanuel Bernstein, who is part of the Off the Hook show, and follows his interests and travels. Both shows have an admirable attitude to the rights of the individual, and the dangers of the encroachment of big business and government on those rights. Whilst they are clearly very American in some ways, their beliefs and attitudes are much more global, and they are often refreshing voices of sanity to hear with an American accent.

Fighting Talk

A simple podcast of a BBC Radio 5 show, but one of the funniest sports shows in existence. Not on every week of the year, which is a crying shame.

Webtalk Radio

Quite the geekcast, a small round table discussion of current web stories. Goes into a hell of a lot of depth, whilst not being overly complicated.

A good place to start looking, other than iTunes (which I have to admit is a sod to navigate for podcasts) is Indiepodder.org. Now I am told, and am going to try this tonight, you can drag the link for an rss feed containing podcasts directly into iTunes. Will report on this later.

EDIT: You can, it works really well.



2 responses to “Podcasts – Year Two”

  1. Wonderduck Avatar

    Oh for broadband… *sigh*

    I have access to high-speed ‘net at Duck U., but having to xfer it all over to CDRW to bring it home after d/l’g there… *sigh*

    From your description, it sounds like I’d like that F1 ‘cast… pity.

  2. flotsky Avatar

    You can listen to it streamed on the front page of that site, may/maynot be okay at home, but certainly you could listen to it at work if you can use headphones n stuff.

    You would like it, I know 🙂