Pibb – The Social Network you never knew you needed

I’ve been having a quick look tonight at OpenID. I signed up for one about six months ago, but I must admit, I’ve never needed to use it since. At the back of my mind I’ve been considering adding it to a blog, as it is an ID system I’d like to buy into. A post on Lifehacker today about the pros and cons of OpenID got me thinking about it, and I started reading round again, reminding myself how it might be used.

This was how I happened upon Pibb. Pibb is a social network which starts with the OpenID protocol, and then adds in forums, groups, messaging and IM. Imagine Facebook without all the junk, and which looks really pretty and clean. And to be fair, Facebook isn’t that ugly to begin with. It’s worth a look into, for one, it could be a good place for IM chat where you’re not able to set up a client. Ultimately it’s main attraction for me is that it just looks good.


2 responses to “Pibb – The Social Network you never knew you needed”

  1. John Dickinson Avatar

    I tried OpenID on wordpress a while ago before I re-installed my blog server. Chris had a few thoughts on it.


    I remember at the time thinking – What does this provide me that having firefox remember passwords doesn’t? You still have to have an account on every site you currently log in to, it is just that you link that account to an openid provider instead of giving it a password.

    To play around I used the verisign openid service at https://pip.verisignlabs.com/

    I also looked at sxipper from http://www.sxip.com/sxipper but had much the same feelings about it.

  2. John Dickinson Avatar

    I tried OpenID on wordpress a while ago before I re-installed my blog server. Chris had a few thoughts on it.


    I remember at the time thinking – What does this provide me that having firefox remember passwords doesn’t? You still have to have an account on every site you currently log in to, it is just that you link that account to an openid provider instead of giving it a password.

    To play around I used the verisign openid service at https://pip.verisignlabs.com/

    I also looked at sxipper from http://www.sxip.com/sxipper but had much the same feelings about it.