
New Year and all that. I guess I tend to update this when I’m at work, and having not really been at work much for quite a while, I haven’t. So there it is, a happy New Year to all my readers.

Had the Christmas Day at home with S, and then New Year with her Parents, which was very relaxing. Am now primed and ready for a New Year of motivation, weight-loss, fitness, and er, lots of gaming too. All of those and marriage too.

Actually serious about the weight-loss, in fact all of those things. Am aiming to lose two stone this year. Yeah right I hear you cry. Welllllll, we’ll see. But I am going to have a go properly.

Oxford at the moment is flooded. Luckily we live a little uphill from the river, so we haven’t and hopefully won’t be affected. But it is bad, two of the main roads have been shut off. May well take a wander down to see what has been going on tonight (well that counts towards my fitness regime too).