Happy New Gaming

Well, I’m celebrating (with a hat and streamers and everything) at the news that Pokemon GameCube is on its way. It is a bit stingy that you will need a GBA and one of the latest Pokemon GBA games to play it, but seeing as I will have that well before it comes out, then it is not such a problem for me.

I will admit that owing to some travelling in the past month or so, I have played an awful lot of Pokemon. It does travel so well I reckon. I have also bought Pokemon Blue, so I now have the first 5 GB games. I just need Crystal now, and then Ruby and Sapphire when they come out.

Also purchased/gifted over the past few weeks have been Gran Tourismo 2 (PS1, bought from the new 2nd hand gaming shop that is just round the corner from me, another result for the New Year), Age of Empires (PC, 3.25 in a sale) Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Kotex(I have unfinished business with that game) and Links 2001(PC). So I am quite well stocked on the gaming front. Starfox, GTA3VC, Mario, GT3 and GT2 all are in line for some playing, but my first attention will be on the Pokemon Blue that arrived today. For a few days.