Yet another long weekend to come

Bank Holidays rock. 3 days off to relax, achieve little, and think of what I could be doing were I bothered. Great.

Hopefully we’ll get a wander down by the river in sunshine tomorrow. Weather is supposed to last for us until then. We also have the return of Mrsfb’s brother from the states, our recon mission to New York. I’m hoping he is coming back packing sweets. Maybe a visit from some friends too. And now my 360 is working again, some gaming on that when it starts raining. Oh, and the Monaco GP, the finest of all the F1 races. Should be a fun weekend now I spell it all out.







One response to “Yet another long weekend to come”

  1. sis Avatar

    Sorry bro having real probs with the computer at the minute. Please don’t moan about the weather there, it’s awful here, river’s have burst their banks water everywhere, due to go on til wednesday. who said the weather was better in the south of france !!! will call soon promise hope you n yours r good lots of love little flotsky b!!!!! xxxx ps petite flotsky is coming out for a bit xxxx