Well that was a bit of a break

Just not a lot happening at the moment. Nothing bad, just been busy with stuff, and not much to tell. Have played a lot of NHL Hitz 2003 on the Gamecube. I need to win the Stanley Cup before my wrists give out, and I think I made the mistake of setting it to an 80-odd match season. So far I have scored around 10 goals a game as well, which suggests I may have it on the slightly too easy setting. But I have started now, so seems a shame to stop it.

Good programme on ITV last night about World of Sport, my much-missed obsession from childhood. Have a little tear in my eye thinking about it now. Did get it stored on the Sky+ box for later enjoyment though.


One response to “Well that was a bit of a break”

  1. Wonderduck Avatar

    “World Of Sport.”

    Sounds like “ABC’s Wide World of Sports,” over here?