Ubuntu and the Nokia 6300 mobile phone

I’ve just received my almost annual upgrade mobile phone, a Nokia 6300. Now with my previous phone (Nokia 6230), one of the last things that has had me booting back into Windows has been doing anything with the phone. The Nokia Windows software is quite nice, you can edit contacts, backup data, browse files, and install Java apps. And it was by far the best way of moving from one phone to another, I just had to backup the old phone, then restore the data to the new phone. Took everything off both the memory card and sim card, and put most of it onto the new one (apart from some games I’d bought, which was slightly annoying).

However even though I could connect the phone to my computer using a USB cable, under Ubuntu it wouldn’t do anything with it at all. This has changed with the Nokia 6300 though. It has a proper mini-USB connector, and once hooked up, the phone asks if I want to use it in Nokia Software mode (i.e. for Windows) or in data mode. The latter means that my memory card in the phone becomes available as if it were a standard flash memory drive. Which I like a lot. I can now copy pictures off and upload them to Flickr using digikam (I think that comes as standard with Kubuntu). I can add music and images as I need. I would still love to be able to sync contacts, calendars and to-dos, but it is a defnite improvement. I’d ideally like Nokia to provide that for me too, but I think I’ll start digging and see if anyone is doing anything on Sourceforge and the like that could help me. If you’ve seen anything that might be useful, please let me know.


8 responses to “Ubuntu and the Nokia 6300 mobile phone”

  1. AnUbuntuUser Avatar


    I came across your site while searching for info on whether the Nokia 6300 can be synced with Ubuntu. I am planning on getting that phone as my annual phone upgrade as well 🙂

    I currently have a SonyEriccson D750i which I sync with Evolution & Bluetooth using these instructions:

    Perhaps you could try it out and see if it works with your phone, if it does, please post back.


  2. AnUbuntuUser Avatar


    I came across your site while searching for info on whether the Nokia 6300 can be synced with Ubuntu. I am planning on getting that phone as my annual phone upgrade as well 🙂

    I currently have a SonyEriccson D750i which I sync with Evolution & Bluetooth using these instructions:

    Perhaps you could try it out and see if it works with your phone, if it does, please post back.


  3. AnUbuntuUser Avatar

    Hello again,

    I got the phone, tried to sync it with Evolution (using the link i posted above) but it did not work, I think this is due to the fact that the Nokia 6300 is not compatible with irmc (whatever that is).

    As a side note, the camera is terrible and useless.

  4. AnUbuntuUser Avatar

    Hello again,

    I got the phone, tried to sync it with Evolution (using the link i posted above) but it did not work, I think this is due to the fact that the Nokia 6300 is not compatible with irmc (whatever that is).

    As a side note, the camera is terrible and useless.

  5. Beebee Avatar

    I’m thinking of getting the Nokia 6300 and would like to know if I can install Java games on it. I have loads of Java games in Jar and Jad format stored on a CD and want to install them (obviously not all at once) onto a phone. Would I be able to do this with the Nokia 6300 straight from the box, or will I need a program to do this and if so what is it called?.
    Thank you

  6. Beebee Avatar

    I’m thinking of getting the Nokia 6300 and would like to know if I can install Java games on it. I have loads of Java games in Jar and Jad format stored on a CD and want to install them (obviously not all at once) onto a phone. Would I be able to do this with the Nokia 6300 straight from the box, or will I need a program to do this and if so what is it called?.
    Thank you

  7. ashfaq butt Avatar
    ashfaq butt

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