two hours sleep

and I am slightly lacking in inspiration and positive thought. I actually have a large, mindless task to do here, I think that might be my best option for sanities sake.
I’m fucked if I am letting the smoking win though, I am mainly, apart from sleep, getting there…







2 responses to “two hours sleep”

  1. Wonderduck Avatar

    *tug tug tug* Excuse me, Mr. Flotsky sir? Could I borrow some of your willpower?

    Keep fighting, pal! If you succeed, you may shame me into quitting m’self.

    Oh, and visit The Pond, will ya? There’s a post up there that NEEDS your response.

  2. flotsky Avatar

    You can’t have any of my willpower just yet, it really is taking all of it.

    And I am on my way to The Pond right this second…