Twas Valentines Eve and all through the house, nothing was stirring, not even a mouse

I’ve been growing herbs for the past few weeks on the windowsill. Corriander, chives, basil, thyme. They look great. I’m not sure I can claim to be father nature, but I am at least brother earth. I want to take some pics of them, cos I’m proud.

More Chris Morris at work at Smokehammer. Fantastic video editing

I am presently watching Around the Horn on the North American Sports Network (free trial unfortunately, I could watch this crap all the time). Its an american sports based discussion programme, with four sports writers. But its a competative debate, they score points for good observations. Its fucking barking. The genius thing is that although it is sports based, they discuss topics other than sports. On the topic of Paula Abdul, good or bad? someone has just said “the fact is she stinks”. On the golf player John Daly bringing out a country album, the response was “Well, it could be worse, he could be drinking again”.