Tag: Wireless

  • Installing Kubuntu on the Toshiba Tecra M5 laptop

    So I guess that’s one way of saying I have a new laptop! Anyway, I was going to write a detailed blog posting of the process for setting up and installing Kubuntu Feisty Fawn on my new Toshiba Tecra M5. However there really isn’t a lot to say. I reinstalled Windows using the supplied recovery cd, as this allowed me to partition the drive very easily. Then I took the latest version of Kubuntu (7.04) and started the install process. And it all worked. All the things I would expect to be there, are, and worked out of the box, even wireless. I’ve found recent versions of KDE far better than Gnome for sorting wireless out painlessly, and this certainly did it. The only obvious thing that isn’t working is the fingerprint scanner, but I’m really not bothered about that yet, nor am I convinced I will ever be. I will report back if I find any problems, but so far it has been very easy.