Google have updated Google Maps mobile to version 2.2. Works on the N95 fine, seems a bit speedier and neater. Google Transit seems to cover the South of England in general, so I can potentially use it to plan bus journeys should I need to as well.
Google Maps Mobile Hits v2.2 With Public Transportation
Tag: mobile
Google Maps Mobile v2.2 released
Yamake from Nokia – make your own games
Interesting announcement from Nokia of Yamake, a user-generated games tool for the soon-to-be-launched-properly N-Gage platform. Basically, they provide the base for the game, the user can upload images and sounds, and alter text to turn them into their own game. Will have a look into this and investigate, could be a fun tool to play with.
Chugging into the week
Grinding day learning about and playing with my search engine at work. Starting to come together now. Also been trying out some new games and things on my mobile phone. Keeps me busy. Will play a bit of Phantasy Star Universe in a bit, seem to be getting the hang of the retail outlet I’m running there at the moment, each time I come back I have a little more money, which is nice.
- and orange mobile, you are bloody useless.
Okay, it has taken me two days to give them money. I wanted to add a service to my phone, which means I will pay them a little more money each month. You would hope this would be easy. It isn’t. I have an account set up on their site, which is meant to allow me to manage my mobile phone account. At present, it is taking about 10-15 minutes to get into my account. I’ve got decent broadband, so it isn’t that. Their site is stupidly slow and unresponsive. When I finally got to where I wanted, it offered me a package to add, I selected it, and it accepted. Fine. About 20 minutes to do this. Most sane people have given up already.
I then get the text confirmation about an hour later that the package has been added. Except it hasn’t. I am not allowed it on my account. So I phone them. I spend 5 minutes going through key choices, a recorded message telling me they are very busy (at 11:30 at night) then another recorded message to let me know they are shut after 10pm. If you’d let me know that at the start…
So I called back today. I have to wait 20 minutes on the phone, listening to god-awful music that at one point distorts and hurts my ears (it wasn’t the track, I prefer far nastier sounding music normally). I finally get through to a call centre in India. The chap on the other end of the phone has a bit of trouble understanding me. Not because of his English, which is fine, but because of the quality of the phone line (Orange customer calling their own call-centre direct from his mobile, so the problem again is with them). I ask if I can have the package, he says yes, and puts it on my account.
How much hassle is that? I’ve lost an hour of my life trying to give them a bit more money every month. How many people a month must just give up? IDIOTS.
And relax.