Tag: brighton

  • Giant Lego Man

    Giant Lego Man washed ashore in Zandvoort

    A similar giant Lego man has recently washed ashore in Brighton, here is the arrival of one in Zandvoort. I think two counts as some sort of invasion myself.

  • Right, off to Brighton

    May talk to you from there. Can’t wait, should be a very fun weekend


  • More work less shine

    Struggling, have hit the shine wall. May have one later on, if I stay awake. But its getting harder to get the shines in.

    Trying to get a hotel room in Brighton for soonish. So many of the places want me to book for two nights rather than the one. Why? I want to go for one night. I know why, of course, but so much for convenience. I’ve had to rule out lots of nice places that I would like to stay in, on the basis that they want twice as much money as I should need to spend. Fuckers.