Support this Site!

Right, this page is where you can shop or find useful things, that I will get a little kickback for. (It will disappear off the main blog bit soon, but I’ll add a link on the side. Its here for a couple of reasons, obviously first of all, I wouldn’t mind a little bit o’cash, but also it is good practice for setting such things up for other sites I may work on. If you fancy having one of the links I build up on this page over time on your site, let me know, and I’ll talk you through it (if you need the help).

First up is Rpoints:

Rpoints - the bargain-hunting community with cashback rewards. Join for free now to claim your £5 welcome bonus

Shop at UK sites, and earn cashback by going through this site first. Has many leading UK retailers signed up, and you earn as you shop, as well as doing other things like visiting sites for them. Also has a great freebies section, where many people post links to free stuff online. Worth a look, even if you don’t sign up to it.

Next is Amazon, simply put, if you go through here and buy stuff, I get a little percentage:
