I finally got my main birthday pressie from Mrsfb today (took a while to sort out what I wanted, and getting hold of it). A proper Scalextric set 🙂 I have properly regressed (or as mrsfb put it, “That’s the start of your mid-life crisis, I presume”). I’m rather happy. Just as I remember it, but a little easier to set up and take apart, and gives you less of an impression it is about to blow up in smoke than the set I had when I was a kid did.
The picture above is of the car my brother in law bought me for said birthday, and is a copy of the car Alonso drove to failure last year. Beautifully modeled, in fact I’m taking care with it as I don’t want to mash it into a bookcase and spoil it. I probably should put the trackside barriers up next time, but then again, I like the frisson of danger of not having them up. Old Skool.