power to the people

New phone on order, well slept, and a big hello to our first Dutch visitor *waves*. Its all excitement here this morning I tells yas.

Trying to “obtain” old episodes of the goodies at the moment. Its slow progress, but got one to watch laters. Intriuged to see how well they have aged.

Planning on sorting out some housey things this weekend, sprucing and trimming inside and out. And a bit of writing too. Managed 500 words thus far this week, which whilst shag all, is 500 more than the previous week, so has some sense of acheivement to it. Want to try and knock out something of novel length, regardless of quality, then edit it within an inch of its life and make something passable. Even if it is still then rubbish, I need to get into the discipline of regular writing (looks down at missing months of life below). Yes.

Listening to some Robert Johnson at the moment, considering its 70-80 years old, it still sounds fantastic today. Beautiful sounds. Sweet Home Chicago is just a beautiful song. I am getting the opportunity to listen to more music at the moment, its all good.