It has been a little while, but as I mentioned, the day before yesterday I got another email about P Wyndham Little. I seem to get at least one a year, for the last 4 years or so. If you don’t know what I’m on about, the short explanation is that in 1997 I found a set of letters left neatly folded on my doorstep, from a person called P Wyndham Little. They weren’t in an envelope or addressed to me, they were just left there. In about 2002 (vague guess) I decided to put them onto my website, and see if anybody found them on there. And gradually the response has been quite surprising, as it turned out that several people had also had similar experiences. To see what I’ve had in the past, read:
The P Wyndham Little Project 1
The P Wyndham Little Project 2
So anyway, this is the bulk of the email I had recently:
“I don’t know why I googled P Wyndham Little, but I did! For a few years in the 90s, I lived just round the corner from Merchiston Crescent, in SW Edinburgh’s fairly well-to-do Merchiston suburbs – JK Rowling, Ian Rankin and Alexander McCall-Smith all live there these days.
Anyway, I used to happen upon these little scribblings in the street outside my front door all the time. A few friends who I still see these days remember them as well. I would think this guy had been made redundant from Farrant or BAE systems, a big defence / electronics firm in Edinburgh at the time, judging by his occasionally impressive engineering knowledge.
…. I note from my googling that his seems to still be hard at it, leaving messages for BBC’s Nick Robinson. Good to know someone collected this rambling opus.”
This is interesting on a few counts, firstly that this is the first person to have the same experience I did, of having the letters left on their doorstep. Everybody else seemed to have received them mailed to a workplace. Also the literary references are worth noting; I’ve said before that they reminded me of Alasdair Gray, but now I look into that, it is worth knowing that he seems to be very strongly based in Glasgow. Finally, that is the first sighting I’ve had of him online. Of course I’ve no proof that is him online, could just be someone’s choice of login who has also come across the letters, but given his interest in politics, maybe it could be him. I wonder if he’ll ever type himself into google…
28 responses to “P Wyndham Little 3 – New information!”
The power of Google. This evening I received a folded and stapled set of letters from P Wyndham Little. Very strange and given we are in the run up to the Scottish elections I initially thought it was an election mailing. I’m not sure what to make of this and why I have been chosen. Must check with the neighbours tomorrow to see if they too received this package. Mr Little left a phone number next to his address on one of the letters, I might give it a call and see what happens.
Hi Ian. What sort of things were in the letters this time, were they relevant to the elections, or were they more random than that? And if you do speak to someone on the number, please come back and let us know how you get on.
The letters were totally random from 1995 to 2000 and don’t seem to relate to the election. The paper they were printed on smells like it has come from someones home and not a print shop so I’m thinking this wasn’t a mass produced item. I emailed Nigel Griffiths the MP and will see if he responds.
Based on the letters Mr Little has been unemployed from at least 1987 to 2000. The address given in 1995 is a posh part of Edinburgh but a check on the planning database indicates he may no longer be the owner of the property. A letter in 2000 I think confirms this as he refers to selling his house.
In the letters he takes credit for a great number of inventions and even films such as Total Recall. One letter, dated in Feb 2000, refers to the letters he distributes and how much money he spent on this. For example a 1000 second class stamps, two word processers and several printers. But then the money ran out.
Why have no letters been written after 2000 but obviously distribution still takes place? A blog would be a lot cheaper and easier to do!
I too have a whole heap of letters from P Wyndham Little! They were sent to a Recruitment Agency I worked for in Edinburgh in 1999. He gives his age then as 46.
It encloses his CV also.
1959 – 72 George Watsons College, Edinburgh
1972 – 76 – Edin University – Read to 2nd Tear – Physics and Mathematics. 1st year – Business Studies and Meteorology.
1977 – 78 – Work experience: McNab Laundries, Edin, Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance company and ‘various temporary jobs’.
1978 – 79 – Polytechnic – Napier College – studies for HNC Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
1979 – 87 – Work Experience – Ferranti Defence Systems – Test Engineering in RADRA and test equipment quality depts.
1987 – 88 – Polytechnic – Napier College – Studied doe Diploma in Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems.
I’ve got about a dozen. They were left at the reception of Cancer Research UK about two years ago and I acquired them through a friend.
They are among my favourite possessions (that’s a lot of ‘s”s).
Entirely by coincidence, last december I made a random decision to spend a few days in Edinburgh. I booked a b&b on the interweave and headed on up. The next morning I stepped out of the front door to find, to my surprise and delight that I was staying directly opposite the consticuency office of Nigel Griffiths MP.
also, check this link, scroll down about halfway.
whether this is the great man himself or a fan is for a wiser man than I to decide.
Hello there, stumbled across your blog after googling for P.Wyndham Little this morning, about an hour after the post man had been. This morning I arrived home to find a white envelope with the following words across the top “If I had known it was going to be like this, I wouldn’t have started it. From the movie THE DAM BUSTERS”.
It was merely addressed to the occupier(s) at my house address.
I can tell you I was thoroughly baffled at the content, there are 17 letters in total addressed to the house of commons, Tony Blair, Nigel Griffiths and dear neighbour. They range in date from Wed 2nd April 2003 to Wed 3rd May 2004. So, the good news is your friend seems to be at large still, and to be honest im kind of chuffed in a weird way that Mr. Little has taken time to write to me.
However, I don’t think this man is well, he seems to have quite an axe to grind against the system. He rattles on about all the inventions he has created that have improved our society by creating new technologies that have fuelled new industries and thus new jobs as a result. He seems to think the country owes him a living? As of yet I havent read all the transcripts on your blog, but I will and If I find I have new letters I will let you have copys.
I received twenty two P. Wyndham Little letters in the post this morning. They were addressed only to the hotel I manage in Watford, and the envelope quoted ‘There is hot water for baths between the hours of two o’clock and six p.m.’ from the fine movie Genevieve.
I am absolutely intrigued, but your blog is the only mention I can find on the ‘author’ through a google search.
Can anyone shed a little more light on these letters??
Details of letters received:
Addressee Dated
Neighbour 25th June 2007
Neighbour 13th May 2007
James McGovern MP 29th April 2007
Dennis Skinner MP 20th January 2007
Hon. Members, House of Commons 4th September 2006
Hon. Members, House of Commons 31st August 2006
Noble Lords, House of Lords 20th September 2006
Prime Minister 12th August 2006
Neighbour 3rd May 2006
Hon. Members, House of Commons 25th April 2006
Neighbour 13th April 2006
Neighbour 26th March 2006
1st Minister, Scottish Parliament 17th March 2006
1st Minister, Scottish Parliament 25th February 2006
Prime Minister 25th February 2006
Neighbour 2nd March 2005
Neighbour 2nd February 2005
Hon. Members, House of Commons 1st December 2004
Prime Minister 4th June 2004
Neighbour 26th April 2004
Nigel Griffiths MP 25th July 1998
Neighbour 20th November 1995
I stumbled across your blog in the same way everyone else has. Mr P. Wyndham Little has sent a speculative employment enquiry to our Company and attached copies of these bizarre letters he sent to members of parliament in 1994.
I was completely baffled when I read over his CV. Is this some sort of joke??? Bizarre!
Perhaps we should invite him in for an interview……….
I received 11 letters last night (at some disturbingly late hour)from P. Wyndham Little and hit the internet to see if I was about become victim number 5. To be honest they were the not the most disturbing letters I have ever received.
As an added bonus I also received a “statement” detailing why he sends them. Not sure how he has the time with having to invent: Hydrolics, Transistos, Logic, Computers, Compilers, the Microchip and (I kid you not) Pasta. Brilliant! There is all that telly to watch as well. A remarkable fellow all round. Happy to scan my ones and send them in.
My own sense of mischief has been aroused and I wonder if any of you would like to collaborate in drafting comedy letters to he great and the good to see if we get a reply. Nothing scary.
I work for a company and this morning received a C.V from P.Wyndham Little. after looking through I could not stop laughing… this a joke?? Also as everyone else I decided to google his name. But here’s a thing…his name
P. Wyndham Little
(Wind em a little) is this a joke?????
Hi Robin and Michelle
If you wanted to send me copies of what you’ve had, please let me know at, I’d love to see the statement and the CV and put them on here.
And Michelle, it may well be a joke, but I don’t know who by. That’s why I started writing about this ages ago, just to see what I could find out.
I live in Marchmount, Edinburgh and just received a bundle of letters from our mystery author:
26 Oct 2004 – To Tony Blair
6 Nov 2004 – To Tony Blair
3 Nov 2004 – To Tony Blair
29 Nov 2004 – To Members of the House of Commons
1 Dec 2004 – To Members of the House of Commons
On the top of the bundles in very large writing is the message:
“Why do you think I am calling you? Just to say Hello?”
Why indeed.
Hi Andrew
Hand written! That’s favouritism that is.
Were the letters full of abstract quotes from film and television?
Hi there, I’ve just googled P. Wyndham Little and it threw up this blog. I live near the AWE Aldermaston and today recieved an envelope date stamped the 25th, posted from Edinburgh, containing several typed sheets addressed to Rt Hon A Blair, and The Rt Hon. Members, House of Commons and variously dated 2004-2006.
I am very relieved to see I’m not the only one.
Mr Little seems to have branched into a ban the bomb campaign. The envelope was titled: Bless-ed be The Bomb and all The Holy Fallout, from the fine movie Under The Planet Of The Apes.
If you want them, just email me an address where to send them.
we received a bunch of his letters a couple of weeks ago. it was posted through our letterbox at around 2am, just as my parents were taking some rubbish out. my dad opened the door just as a man was posting the letters through. i didn’t quite know what to make of the letters. for some reason they freaked me out a bit. i’m glad to hear that so many others have received them.
The company I work at received a typed A4 ‘P Wyndham Little’ collection of demented ramblings about 7 years ago. I googled the name at the time but didn’t turn up anything. A colleague reminded me of it today and lo, a quick bit of googling turns this page up.
Received his CV today and thought … should I invite him for an interview for entertainment value?
Decided not too, I would hate to spend years in tribunerals stating why he wasn’t hired.
The question now is, was it the real PWL or another hoaxer taking up the baton?
There are some radars (probably invented by PWL) you don’t want to appear on, I suspect that Mr Little’s is one of them.
I think that correspondence from PWL has a cetain “style” that would be difficult to emulate. I could easily write claiming to have invented gravity but would I be able to transmit the absolute conviction? I suspect not.
Who is this guy??
We have received his CV and letters last week, in response to a job ad……most hilarious thing i have read in years 🙂
I work at a wine merchants in West London, and we have just received a wodge of letters from the elusive and enigmatic Mr Little. These letters were dated from 1995, and the most recent from Sept 2008. The envelope had an Edinburgh postmark. I thought it was some kind of post-modern marketing ploy until, I like many others here, googled him and found myself here…
The letters are similar in format as others here have recieved- film quotes from various ‘fine movies’ and bizarre claims to have invented things… the more recent letters are addressed to Vince Cable at the Houses of Parliament.. any others out that can shed any light on this?
Like the poster above, I also work at a wine merchant, however, in Cardiff.
The letters arrived via Edinburgh postmark on the morning of Saturday March 14.
I have yet to read them, but they look intriguing.
Of course they ought to be compiled and perhaps put in order of apparent date written.
I wonder if there is a cohesive story under all this?
Will write more when I’ve read them.
Wow, the lengths people will go to to drum traffic for their blog…;0)
Seriously though, lets put this to rest once and for all. The next person that receives a job application from him and ends up here: invite him in for interview. Have a tape recorder and camera ready. Lets catch this mythical beast…
Yes, you guessed it. I am the latest victim of our eponymous hero and I now can proudly claim to have been ‘Wyndhammed'( or is it beLittled? – sorry ). It seems I have the same wodge as the unlikely named Mr Hunx Lam above, and PWL is of course on good form with his latest delivery. He commences with ‘Fanny by Gaslight’ and finishes with a mention of ‘St Trinians’ all of which is overshadowed by the content in which he claims, had he been listened to some years peviously, the credit crunch would have of course, been avoided.
The outside of my envelope boldly stated ‘THEY SEE ONLY WHAT THEY WANT TO SEE’ It is at this point that I begin to doubt this erstwhile savants genius as he claims that this quote was taken from the fine film ‘Jaws II’
…..Fine film ????????? Please!
I have just been clearing out my deak, and I found a heap of papers I recieved many years ago from P Wyndham Little. I decided to google the name and here I am. He’s as mad as a bicycle, but I enjoyed reading the letters over a cup of tea.
Received a mailing from Mr Little today 25/01/10 Neatly folded , stapled letters to Tony Blair, House of commons etc. All the way up here in Oban!
i’ve just found a whole load of P Wyndham Little’s letters that i got delivered to Oddbins when i worked there about a year and half ago, he talks about how he used to deliver his letters and also includes stuff about the job centre and letters posted to Tony Blair. I’m puzzled!