Not counting down the days at all

3.75 by my latest reckoning before I get to run away for Christmas. I’ve suspect we are going to be sort of busy, despite my best efforts to hide away for a week or so. Ah well. Will still try to use some of my time fruitfully, going to order myself at gunpoint to do a bit of writing. Try for an hour a day. Something like that anyways. Got this sitcom idea I want to do some work on, have some groundwork done, need to expand that more, try and get some of a first episode written and fleshed out. Have quite a bit of it in my head, need to get it down on paper and make it more complete.


One response to “Not counting down the days at all”

  1. Wonderduck Avatar

    Is there room in that sitcom for an intelligent duck that watches F1 and anime?

    Truthfully, I’ve seen worse characters on Brit TV…