New Look

Well we have a slightly new look here, thanks to my friend B, who has very kindly helped me come up with a new logo. I need to tinker with things a little more, host all the images here for speed, and get some other little bits sorted. I’m very happy with it, tell me what you think!


9 responses to “New Look”

  1. Alex Avatar

    lovig that new banner chap. I’ve had a revamp on my etape blog too. It looks like a kraftwerk album cover now.

  2. flotsky Avatar

    Cheers Alex. I’m going to try and get hold of the font I reckons, and get it set up on my machines, because it looks great. I believe B did a lot of work with it, rather than it just being the font on its own mind.

  3. queenie Avatar

    Hello love. Decided to pop in on you at last – wish I’d done it much sooner. Smashing logo btw – very down wi’ da kidz an’ that x

  4. flotsky Avatar

    Hello there queenie. Very nice to have you drop by. I am markedly down wit da kidz, nothing gets by me. Well unless I have to bend down to stop it.

  5. 200factoryfarmedcamels Avatar

    Ooh – it’s New Look a-go-go all over the place, I re-designed mine the other day too, as you know 🙂
    I like your New Looks, flots and alex.
    I was reading the blog of a japanese woman in Canada yesterday and she had lots of emoticons I didn’t know, so I’m going to try some of them out ^o^

  6. flotsky Avatar

    Do you have a link to her site there? I would like to read that.

  7. 200factoryfarmedcamels Avatar

    I warn you – lotz of LOL, (@___@), and spelling thingz wiv a zee, flotz

    LOL *-*

  8. Wonderduck Avatar

    Like the new look, Flotsky! Very subtle changes from the original, not like the one I did back in july, going from pink&white to grey and grey.

    Nicely done!

  9. flotsky Avatar

    Cheers Wonderduck, trying to evolve it slowly into what I want. Have a few more ideas to come yet, but nothing scary