Metronomy – Radio Ladio

Saw this for the first time on 120 minutes on MTV2 at the weekend. Great place to discover good music you’ve missed and should know about in general.

Great band I’m glad to have heard, love the lo-fi sound. Worth looking through their other videos, they’ve done some interesting stuff. The Smiling Assassin should particularly have a look for Heartbreaker, as it’s possibly the first music video ever made on Paignton pier.


One response to “Metronomy – Radio Ladio”

  1. The Smiling Assassin Avatar

    Heartbreaker may have a music video made on Paignton Pier, it sadly doesn’t save it from being an incredibly annoying song.

    If you want Lo-Fi indie Disco then Hot Chip are your first port of call. Over and Over is one of the great Indie Disco songs ever.

    It’s a crying shame that MTV axed 120 Minutes in favour of a set schedule 24/7. It was only place I ever saw the video for Ulrich Schnauss’ Between Us And Them which I saw at a quarter to three one night when I couldn’t sleep. Hadn’t seen it before and haven’t seen it since, which is a pity as it’s a beautifully weird video to a weirdly beautiful little song.