All you need to know in 6 minutes, by one of the world’s best jugglers
I’ve tried this method out late last night, and it does work. I’m a rubbish can juggle a few times 3 ball juggler, and would like to be a decent four ball juggler. I’m going to study this and see how I get on.
2 responses to “Learn to Juggle”
I worked/helped out in a Juggling store in the US (during the summer) so can teach you in about 5 minutes ;o)
I’m pretty cack-handed. I need to really practice the motion properly, as even my single-ball throw is somewhat wayward. Really want to get that smoothness to my action sorted so I can get good. And also need to get on with two diabolos too, as that has been a project for years that I’ve never quite got.