Interesting comparison of W960 Walkman and the Nokia N95

Quick review and comparison by Symbian-Guru of the Sony W960 and the Nokia N95. Interested me because someone had asked me about the relative merits of both phones, as they wanted something with an FM tuner built-in, which meant they wouldn’t consider an iPhone. I couldn’t deal with transfer speeds like the W960 is described as having, I need to do a quick sync in the morning before I go to work, so I have all my podcasts up to date. Sounds like I would never get to work on time if I had the Sony.

W960 Walkman vs Nokia N95 – Music Player


2 responses to “Interesting comparison of W960 Walkman and the Nokia N95”

  1. ui_smith Avatar

    Awesome speed. Don`t know what you guys did wrong, but the speed of my w960 is great. 4gbs of music only took ten mins.

  2. ui_smith Avatar

    Awesome speed. Don`t know what you guys did wrong, but the speed of my w960 is great. 4gbs of music only took ten mins.