I’m in a 50:50 mood

Somewhat odd and halfway today.

On the upside:
-Day 2 of a 3 day week, then off to Devon for a few days visiting family, which will be good fun. That is a big upside actually.

-Loving the Animal Crossing. I think that needs a review soon, but unsurprisingly, it is a very good thing

On the downside:
-Left ankle hurting a lot last night for no good reason. My body is all out of wack with the back issue, and I think being cold and walking oddly may have hurt it. Fine today, but was a bit sore last night. Still, get to see the docs about it soon now.

-Have something difficult to write on here. It isn’t that it is highly personal really, that it is emotionally difficult to write about this thing, it is just literally hard to write. I’ve had the post in my head for a week, and I can’t quite put it together yet. I’m just finding it annoying, and it may well be when I am on holiday I will sit down and do it, clear it out of my system. I hate to be all precious, but I do have a slightly fractuous author side to me, and I won’t rest until I get this done.



One response to “I’m in a 50:50 mood”

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