I am still here

I’ve just been getting back into the swing of things after the holiday, and yes, I admit it, have been too lazy to write up the rest of New York. I will try and do it at some stage, it was just that we were busy relaxing and having fun, and I just felt like disconnecting properly after the first few days, so I did. Still very relaxed from it all. But I shouldn’t use that as an excuse not to write, so I will start up again.


2 responses to “I am still here”

  1. iamnotthebeatles Avatar


    Nice to have you back.

    It is rare to have a holiday that totally and utterly relaxes you, I find. So enjoy disconnecting while it lasts!

  2. kim mockridge Avatar
    kim mockridge

    Sounds like a wonderful holiday, so glad you enjoyed it. Get in touch, Flotsky, you know where I am. Love to MrsFb