How to feel more rested – Sleep less.

Well this won’t work for everyone I’m sure, but the solution to my lack of sleep has been to stay up later. Somehow this seems to have fixed me, the last couple of days I’ve felt so much saner I cannot explain. MrsFB suffers with insomnia a lot, and of course whilst I’m supportive and sympathetic, I normally sleep so well I just can’t quite understand just how bad it is. This week I have.

Today is a good day, I’ve been paid, SisterFB has finally started up her blog after much nagging, MrsFB hit her sales target today, all in the world is very nice indeed thank you. The weekend will hopefully involve some tactical shopping, I would like to get my supplies of herbs and spices back up to date, and I think I need to venture along the Cowley Road to achieve this. There may be coffee or a glass of wine along the way too.