Hot Hot Hot

It is stupidly hot this week. Could barely sleep last night because of it. Ah well, I’ll be bitching about the rain next week. What a joy it is to be English.


2 responses to “Hot Hot Hot”

  1. Wonderduck Avatar

    Just what are you considering hot? I mean, here at the Pond it was around about 95 degrees (Fahrenheit, of course… I think that’s 207 of your degrees) and absurdly humid today.

  2. flotsky Avatar

    Its been peaking at 89-91F here, stupidly hot for us. Remember we aren’t designed for it here, it would seem absurd to have aircon in a house, and its about 50-50 in offices and shops. I’m lucky, my office is supercool, mrsfb’s is totally sans airflow or aircon. Inhuman frankly.