Dentists are lovely people

I say this in the hope of karma for my visit today. After the past few days I need some.

Was reading yesterday about a game called GTR Racing which is supposed to be an very realistic racing game. Going to try the demo and see if it is more advanced than GT4.

Better get on, wish me luck with the dentist. I may be typing with a slur later.


2 responses to “Dentists are lovely people”

  1. Mr Anon Avatar
    Mr Anon

    GTR is a bitch. a real bitch at that. Lovely to look at though but very much a simulation rather than a game. You know what I mean I hope. btw, you got GT4 yet?

    also, where has your RSS feed gone. That was really quite handy.

  2. flotsky Avatar

    There is an RSS feed for this site, but I haven’t got it up and running yet. Will have a look soon.