Category: comedy

  • Jeffrey Tambor

    Jeffrey Tambor in an early appearance in Three’s Company. Marvel at his hair (he has more, still not all). Savour as they all enjoy mocking mental health issues!

  • Hank Kingsley sings “Spinning Wheel”

    Wonderful clip from The Larry Sanders Show where Hank Kingsley is trying to raise himself up off the sidekick’s couch and show off his talents. I was minded of this by the theme tune to new BBC schedule filler reality show Tumble, which I think might be even worse than Hank’s version.

  • Steve Martin wins at Twitter

  • Podcasts worth listening to – The Adam and Joe Show

    I’ve been a fan of Adam Buxton and Joe Cornish for many years, since their Channel 4 show (Adam and Joe DVD),  and was rather pleased when they started doing a podcast of their XFM show (which is still available to download). They sadly disappeared from podcasting for a while, but then triumphantly re-emerged with a highlights show of their Saturday morning show on BBC Radio 6 Music. It’s normally about 30-40 minutes long (they skip out all the music for copyright reasons) and is a source of constant joy and stupidity.

    It’s a hard show to sum up, they basically talk rubbish about life, tv, film and music, and it makes one laugh a lot. I think the favourite things they’ve done for me are their Songwars (each week, sort of, they write competing songs about the same theme, and then ask the public to vote which one is the best), and Joe’s sections on films and videos (he introduced me to the true magnificence that is R.Kelly’s Trapped in the Closet). The XFM show in which he explains Trapped in the Closet is particularly worth listening to.

  • New series of Flight of the Conchords coming soon!

    Today brought some great news, a new series of Flight of the Conchords will be on HBO in January. This is the trailer:

    I don’t yet know when it will be on the BBC, hopefully not too long afterwards. If you haven’t seen it yet, it is shown on BBC4 every so often, or you could always try the DVD: Flight Of The Conchords: The Complete HBO First Season. If you have and you’re already a fan, you might want to try their CD of songs from the first series: Flight Of The Conchords album.

    If you need a little more convicing, give this a go: