Big Brother 10 – Reality Eats Itself

So tonight’s episode of Big Brother 10 had quite a lot going on. Kenneth the Evil Villain in tears over the thought of his girlfriend doing naughty things without him, despite one of his first sentences on greeting her in the house being “Wow, 58 days of loyalty, who would have thought it?” Siavash and Noirin finding themselves in a painful love tryst. Bea and Freddie Halfwit drawing closer together. Bea’s incredible 60 second dating video that would scare any possible suitor clean away.

However for me, the strangest moment was part of the Greek themed task where Charlie and Rodrigo peformed as Stavros Flatley, the tribute act to Riverdance who found fame on Britain’s Got Talent pfizer viagra acheter. It was just an odd moment, as being young men compared to the father, and being in better shape than either the son or father, and even with a minimal amount of ability or training, they were able to provide a more competent tribute to Riverdance than Stavros Flatley themselves. Of course it lacked the ermm, charm or hmmmm, soul of the original, but it was just methodically better. This was just odd, a reality tribute to a reality tribute, a half-thought out act of a half-thought out act with marginally more talent. Reality television turning in on itself.