Right, I have redesigned a lot of pages on this site now. Hopefully, the vast majority should look like the main blog page, and all the links should point to pages that look like this too. If you are looking around, and notice any mistakes, I’d be most grateful if you would let me know (hint hint, look around quickly if you have time, see if you can break it for me). I now run a stats package for the site called Urchin, which lets me see (amongst many other things) what errors crop up, so I am watching that at the moment. Although probably not right this second. Very happy with it so far.
In addition as part of this burst of energy, I have updated the blog archive to go back as far as September 2004. I eventually want to copy across the old diary entries back as far as when I started doing them in 2002, just so I have them all in the same format. I’ll get there one day.
One thing I realised I haven’t been doing is explaining what the other links on here are. Will start putting that right now, and will explain each one in turn every so often. Lets start with Likes, which is list of some of the things I am most passionate about.