Wow, I have a lot to write about. Unfortunately it is all geek stuff, don’t worry,
I haven’t got anything exciting to tell. Will try and get this all up over the
next few days.
Right, first up then is, which is a social bookmark manager. Save sites to here as your favourites, look them up from any computer. You “tag” bookmarks, which means that when you save them, you enter keywords at the same time, which groups them together by theme nicely. You can then also easily see what other people have saved under the same theme.
Now this is all very nice on its own, but you can also do a lot with it under Firefox, such as right click to add any site you are on, and a sidebar with all your current bookmarks. Lots of .rss feeds on the site too, something I always like to see.
I will explain more about the Firefox stuff soon, but in the meantime have a look at to see mine. May well link to that directly for my links section too.