And back to work

A most enjoyable weekend. Let me try to summerize here. The flotskyfolks came up to visit on Saturday, and we went for a fantastic meal at my favourite Oxford restaurant of the moment, Next Door . Great food, and a very relaxed atmosphere, set the tone nicely for the rest of the weekend.

I did some gardening, which is much need. I must post up a picture of the flotskygarden some time, partly in order that I might motivate myself to tidy it up more.

Bought Gran Tourismo 4 at long last this weekend. Wow, what a driving game. If I am honest, if someone who had never played a racing game before wanted the best game to play, I would advise them to get Burnout 3. Gran Tourismo isn’t instant fun, in fact, it is quite a slog. And GT4 seems like it is going to be the biggest slog of the whole series. But then the scale this time around is part of the appeal. I’m hooked, basically. I bought GT4 Prologue when it came out, and it did seem a bit of a change from GT3. It seems less of a leap of logic now. And also having had a chance to see more tracks in use, it is fair to say it looks a lot better.

And finally for now, my tooth is almost painless, and I feel sane again. This is a very good thing


2 responses to “And back to work”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Yeah, it looks better but I can assure you, you’ll tire of the rancid AI pretty quickly.

    Oh, and remember A-spec points don’t count towards anything. Just thought I’d warn you in advance in case you were going to aim for a big a-spec score. is littered with angry posters moaning about how they spent three months going for as big a score as possible to end the game with and realising it doesnt mean anything.
    Save yourself the effort basically.

  2. flotsky Avatar

    Oh I’m just going for completion 🙂 I’ve already got into B-Spec a bit, figured I would probably need to get my skill up for bigger races later. Quite like it actually, handy for chugging through races when you’re tired and don’t want to give it your whole attention.